My shattered dreams and broken heart
Parcalanmis hayallerim ve kirik kalp
Are mending on the shelf
Siginagi onariyormusun
I saw you, holding hands
Seni gordum ellerini tutuyorum
Standing close to someone else
ayakta duruyorum baska birine yaklas
Still I sit, all alone
Hala oturuyorum yanliz
Wishing all my feelings gone
Dilerim tum duygularim gitmistir
I give my best to you
Ben en iyimi sana veririm
Nothing for me to do
Hicbirsey benim icin yapilmazdi
But have one last cry
Ama son haykirisim
One last cry
Son haykirisim
Before I leave it all behind
once arkadan ayrilirim
I gotta put you out of my mind
Seni aklimdan cikarmaliyim
This time
bu zamanda
Believe that I
buna o kadar inanirimki
I guess I'm down to one last cry
Galiba bu son aglaman
I was here, you were there
burdaydim sense ordaydin
Guess we never could agree
Sanirim asla kabul edemezdik
While the sun shines on you
Gunes senin uzerinde parildiyorken
I need some love to wait for me
Beni beklemek icin biraz aska ihtiyacim var
Still I sit, all alone
Hala oturuyorum yanliz
Wishing all my feelings gone
Dilerim duygularim gitmistir
Gotta get over you [Gotta get over you]
Sona ermelisin
Nothing for me to do [Yeah..]
benim icin hicbirsey yapilmazdi
But have one last cry
ama bu son haykirisim
One last cry
son haykirisim
Before I leave it all behind
once arkadan ayrilirim
I gotta put you out of my mind
Seni kafamdan cikartmaliyim
This time..
bu zamanda
Believe that I
Buna o kadar inanirimki
I know I've gotta be strong
Biliyorum guclu olmaliydim
Cos my whole life goes on and on
cunku benim tum hayatim devam ediyor ve devam
And on.. and on.... [Oh..]
ve devam ve devam
I'm gonna dry my eyes
Gozlerimi kurutucam
Right after I have my
One last cry..
Son haykrisim
One last cry
son haykirisim
Before I leave it all behind
once geriden ayrilirim
I gotta put you out of my mind
seni aklimdan cikartmaliyim
For the very last time
Cok zaman icin
Believe that I
o kadar inanirimki
I guess I'm down, I guess I'm down
Galiba asagi dustum
I guess I'm down to my last cry..
Galiba Asagi dustum son aglamama
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