There was a time I was happy in my life
hayatimda mutlu oldugum zamanlar vardi
There was a time I believed I'd live forever
sonsuza dek yasayacagima inandigim zamanlar vardi
There was a time I prayed to Jesus Christ
Hz. Isa'ya ibadet ettigim zamanlar vardi
There was a time I had a mother
bir anneye sahip oldugum zamanlar vardi
It was nice…
bu hostu…
Nobody else would ever take the place of you
kimse senin yerini alamaz
Nobody else could do the things that you could do
kimse senin yapabildigin gibi isleri halledemez
No one else I guess could hurt me like you did
Baska kimse senin beni incittigin gibi incitemez
I didn't understand, I was just a kid
anlamadim, sadece bir çocuktum
Oh mother, why aren't you here with me
oh anne, neden burada, benimle degilsin
No one else saw the things that you could see
baska kimse senin görebildigin gibi göremez olaylari
I'm trying hard to dry my tears
gözyaslarimi kurulamak için çabaliyorum
Yes father, you know I'm not so free
evet baba, biliyorsun ki fazla özgür degilim
I've got to give it up
vazgeçmem gerek
Find someone to love me
beni sevecek birini bulmaktan
I've got to let it go
gitmesine izin vermeliyim
Find someone that I can care for
sevecegim birisini bulmasi için
I've got to give it up
vazgeçmem gerek
Find someone to love me
beni sevecek birini bulmaktan
I've got to let it go
gitmesine izin vermeliyim
Find someone that I can care for
sevecegim birisini bulmasi için
There was a time I was happy in my life
hayatimda mutlu oldugum zamanlar vardi
There was a time I believed I'd live forever
sonsuza dek yasayacagima inandigim zamanlar vardi
There was a time I prayed to Jesus Christ
Hz. Isa'ya ibadet ettigim zamanlar vardi
There was a time I had a mother
bir anneye sahip oldugum zamanlar vardi
It was nice…
bu hostu…
My mother died when I was five
annem ben bes yasimdayken öldü
And all I did was sit and cry
ve tüm yaptigim oturup aglamakti
I cried and cried and cried all day
agladim ve agladim bütün gün
Until the neighbors went away
komsular gidene kadar
They couldn't take my loneliness
onlar benim yalnizligima dayanamadi
I couldn't take their phoniness
ben onlarin sahteliklerine dayanamadim
My father had to go to work
babam ise gitmek zorundaydi
I used to think he was a jerk
onun çok görgüsüz oldugunu düsünürdüm
I didn't know his heart was broken
kalbinin kirildigini bilmiyordum
And not another word was spoken
ve baska bir söz edilmedi
He became a shadow of the father I was dreaming of
hayalini ettigim bir babanin gölgesi oldu
I made a vow that I would never need
bir söz verdim ; asla..
Another person ever
baska birine ihtiyacim olmayacak.
Turned my heart into a cage
kalbimi bir kafese döndürdüm
A victim of a kind of rage
bir tür kurban kafesi
I gotta give it up
vazgeçmem gerek
Find someone that I can care for
sevecegim birisini bulmasi için
Find someone that I can care for
sevecegim birisini bulmasi için
I've got to give it up
vazgeçmem gerek
I've got to let it go
gitmesine izin vermem gerek
I've got to give it up
vazgeçmem gerek
Oh mother, oh father
oh anne, oh baba
I've got to give it up
vazgeçmem gerek
I gotta give it up
vazgeçmem gerek
Mother and Father türkçesi, Mother and Father çeviri, Mother and Father Türkçesi, Mother and Father türkçe çevirisi, Mother and Father şarkısının çevirisi, Mother and Father şarkı çevirisi, Mother and Father şarkı sözü, Mother and Father şarkı sözü çevirisi, Mother and Father video klibi, Mother and Father klip izle, Mother and Father cümle çevirisi, Mother and Father canlı performans
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